Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Ikea, the land of going-in-with-nothing-in-mind-to-buy-and-coming-out-$50-poorer. Actually, Target is like this too. Maybe I just have a shopping problem...

I went to Ikea with my brother on Monday because he wanted to buy a shelf for storage in his room. I didn't need anything, but came out with more things than him. Oops.

One of the things I got was the Ikea Produkt, which is a battery-operated milk frother. And it was only $2.99! In my opinion, the best part about buying coffee is having the first sip - hot and frothy. Yum. I tried out the Produkt this morning with my coffee. I'm not very picky about my coffee - my morning coffee routine involves heating up a cup of milk in the microwave, removing the nasty skin that forms when you heat up milk, and then stirring in some of Trader Joe's instant coffee. Fancy, I know.

So I did all that and then it was time to use the frother. I quickly learned that it was best to leave at least an inch of space or so between the liquid and the top of the cup or else you'd end up with coffee-milk splatter all over your counter. Slight mishap aside, I am extremely pleased with my $3 purchase. Foamy coffee all day, everyday.

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